Teething, crawling, pulling up, reunions, not organized
So I totally planned on blogging more. Maybe I will now that I have a keyboard for my iPad but who knows I always say that. Basically in 2 1\2 weeks time my 8 month old daughter got 5 teeth. Ugh. Totally messed up her sleeping schedule. I am on one hand kind of glad simply because at least getting them all at once instead of drawing it out makes it semi better. First it screwed up her naps. My husband works super long hours and to get out of the house I either spend time with my mom or grandparents both of which were gone last week. So I was home alone all day from 3 to 4 am till 7 pm with my non sleeping baby. I got nothing done. She fought every nap and I was lucky to get her to nap for even an hour total during the day. I should also mention she had started crawling that Saturday and pulling up to standing in her crib and on furniture. I think all this contributed to the sleep/cranky issues. Everything happened at once. My baby is growing up :(. She also always says hi and waves it's so cute. Then this week her night sleep is messed up some. I've been trying to get her used to staying up a little later because we go on vacation in a few weeks and wont be home by 6:30 every night for her to sleep. I am also a little concerned about her having to sleep in the same room as us on vacation as she is not used to that but there is no other place really to put her unless we go to bed whenever she does. So that is what has been going on around here. Tomorrow we will be taking a day trip to a family reunion about 1 1\2 to 2 hrs away which is the farthest she has traveled so far so hopefully we will get an idea of how well she does traveling as our vacation is a lot farther away. So I am trying stay organized and keep the house as clean as possible with my fussy baby. Still making my own baby food just tried a 3 veggie mixed veggie combo but that reminds me she also isn't eating as much\as well as she used to cuz of teeth I guess. There also appear to be two more coming in and we suddenly had to switch from the plastic munchkin spoons to the rubber coated nuk spoons she used to hate cuz they're softer on her gums. The mixed veggies did seem to get her to eat her green beans and peas which she hates individually. I got the idea from a beechnut jar of green beans, peas, carrots mixed. Which by the way were red. I dunno if they used a TON of carrots (which I wouldn't think would make it that red) or they added dye or something maybe?? Mine looks like pea soup color but she ate about as much as she is eating of things now. Well I better get off to get a few things done before bed I guess. Last night she was up for the first time before I even fell asleep :( I will try to remember to post about the DIY Laundry Detergent and Weed Killer we made recently here soon.
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